Animal Lovers League (ALL) is a registered charity and home to about 700 dogs and cats, and the animals under their care consist of vagrant strays, abandoned, traumatised, abused and rescued animals. ALL is strictly no-kill.

Animal Lovers League (ALL) aims to encourage the public to adopt instead of buying animals, and endeavour to rejoin the animals at ALL with loving and committed families.

Some of the many different tasks that founders, Cathy and Mohan, as well as volunteers carry out to care for the animals include feeding them, treating sick animals, bringing them for veterinary check ups and when they are sick or injured, vaccinating them against illnesses, and neutering/sterilising them. In addition, ALL also feeds hungry strays on the streets.

Animal Lovers League (ALL) constantly needs the support of the public to help keep the charity running and continue caring for the animals. Some of the ways members of the public can help include, giving monetary contributions and monthly pledges, donating food for the cats and dogs and fostering the animals.

Those interested can also volunteer their time, energy and love to help ALL by taking care of the animals, taking the dogs out for walks and/or other daily necessary tasks. Email ALL at for more details.

Opening Hours













